2021 Environmental Protection Dialogue
“Better Policy Decision for Forest Ecosystem , Sustainable Energy & Climate Action.”
The Centre for Environment Justice held it’s 2nd Annual National Environmental Protection Dialogue (EPD) on the 14th and 15th of October 2021 bearing the theme “Better Policy decisions for Ecosystem and Biodiversity Restoration, Sustainable Renewable Energy and Climate Change Adaptation” The Dialogue was held at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre and was supported by CEJ’s convening partners; Bread for the World, Action Aid, SAYOF, WWF Zambia, UNDP, First Quantum Minerals Limited and Imperial Parts Limited.
Three issues were the primary focus at the 2nd Annual EPD 2021 explicitly Climate Change, Sustainable Renewable Energy and Ecosystem and Biodiversity restoration. These key issues were addressed with the purpose of arriving at the main challenges plaguing the three main environmental issues raised to formulate key solutions, action plans and interventions in championing climate change adaptation, climate financing and sustainable development.
EPD2021 Convening Partners
Together we can achieve the Environmental Agenda.