Topic: Mineral security systems for Africa


The clean energy transition will require significant amounts of critical minerals which are not only vital to the manufacturing of clean energy technologies (e.g., solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles, battery storage, hydrogen electrolysers and fuel cells), but they are also essential in several applications of the defence, ICT, pharmaceutical industries and they are crucial for achieving economy-wide decarbonisation objectives (e.g., in the transport and industrial sectors).

At present, production and processing of green transition minerals is geographically concentred, leading to growing concerns around security and resilience of critical minerals supply chains. To mitigate risks of supply chain disruptions the Global North is taking steps to incentivise onshoring and ‘friend shoring’ of critical minerals supply chains, as well as managing demand through recycling and investing in research and development to find less mineral intensive technologies.

It is crucial to ensure that the global shift to clean technologies does not come at the detriment of African communities, potentially bearing the brunt of corruption, pollution, and environmental damage if sound policies and robust institutions are not in place. Additional challenges stem from the fact that substantial reserves of critical minerals are increasingly found in hotspots for biodiversity, fragility, and conflict, as well as lands traditionally belonging to indigenous peoples.

Panellists will share approaches of the regional groupings to mineral security and the regional regulatory frameworks in place (if any) for mining of critical minerals for purposes of learning and possible adoption. The discussion will highlight environmental, social and governance issues as well as those pertaining to environmental justice and explore how these should be considered in the clean energy transition.

Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development

Speaker: Mr. Chaanza M. Chifwepa

Mr. Chaanza M. Chifwepa is a Zambian trained exploration geologist having been privileged to work in all the provinces of Zambia. Therefore, he has been exposed to Zambia’s variety of geological terrains and has grown to appreciate the multiplicity of geological processes that have overprinted and shaped these terrains. Notably, he has been involved in exploration projects for base metals, precious metals, industrial minerals and hydrocarbons in regions such as Northwestern, Copperbelt, Central, Western and Southern Provinces of Zambia.

In his early years as a geologist, he contributed to the feasibility study of the Kangaluwi Copper Mine Project in the Lower Zambezi area through academic research as well as an employee of Zambezi Resources Limited. Subsequently, he worked for Caledonia Nama Limited in the Copperbelt and Northwestern Provinces as a project geologist where he contributed to the feasibility study of the North Konkola Copper Mine Project and the Nama Cobalt Project.

Mr. Chifwepa further extended his professional life in the public service, in the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, at the Geological Survey Department where he currently works as Principal Exploration Officer. He is involved in the conduct and regulation of exploration in order to promote sustainable development of the mining sector in Zambia.

Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

Speaker: Mr. Lwembe Mwale

Mr. Lwembe Mwale is a Climate Change Expert with regional experience supporting countries within the COMESA region on climate policy related work.  He is supporting the development of a COMESA Green Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Strategy and Business Plan in the COMESA Region and  the implementation of a COMESA Regional Capacity Building project on Enhanced Transparency Framework(EFT) aimed at building capacity of 4 COMESA Member States(Eritrea, Comoros, Seychelles, Zambia) to meet the requirements of Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.

Southern Africa Resource Watch (SARW)

Speaker: Dr Claude Kabemba, Executive Director

Dr C. Kabemba is the Executive Director of the Southern Africa Resource Watch (SARW), he leads a team of dedicated professionals who work to ensure that the natural resources of the continent are managed in a transparent, accountable, and equitable manner. He has over 26 years of experience in research, policy and advocacy on democratic governance, international politics, natural resource governance, ESGs and development in Africa. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of the Witwatersrand, where he also obtained his master’s and bachelor’s degrees. He edited a couple of books, published book chapters and articles on the topics of democratization, African state, election politics, social policies and natural resource governance drawing on his field experience in Southern and Central Africa. His passionate about advancing the rights and interests of the communities affected by the exploitation of natural resources and climate change and fostering dialogue and cooperation among various stakeholders.

Economic, Social & Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)

Speaker: Dr. Gowtam Raj Chintaram

Dr. Gowtam Raj Chintaram is a development management and CSO Engagement expert with more than 20 years of experience in international development and engaging with more than 2000 CSOs national and international both on the continent and globally. His experience cuts across different areas of development including peace and security, Governance, coordination, policy development, and engagement.

Publish What You Pay(PWYP)

Speaker: Mr. Nsama Chikwanka, National Coordinator

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) is an international coalition of more than 800 civil society organizations calling for transparency and accountability in the extractive sector. Launched in 2002 in response to instances of corruption and mismanagement, PWYP ultimately seeks to facilitate an environment in which oil, gas and mining revenues are used to improve the lives of women, men and youth in resource-rich countries.  

Pan-African Climate Justice (PACJA)

Speaker: Dr. Mithika Mweenda, Executive Director

Joseph Mithika Mwenda is the Kenyan-born co-founder and Executive Director of the African climate change activism organisation Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA). He has been a climate advocate for over 10 years. Mwenda represents civil society in the steering committee of Africa’s flagship climate policy and practice coordination platform, ClimDev-Africa, spearheaded by the African Union Commission, African Development Bank and UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Mwenda has advocated for accelerated implementation of the Paris Agreement, and has made that a focus at PACJA. He also helped establish the African Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access (ACSEA), to promote the shift to renewable energy, and to ensure the African Renewable Energy Initiative delivers clean energy to poor communities. Under the African Climate Legislation Initiative, PACJA works with Pan African Parliament and other parliamentary institutions to drive climate laws to make climate change prevention part of national development policy.

Moderator: United Nations Development Programme

UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
