2024 Environmental Protection Dialogue: Official Closing

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) is charged with the responsibility of promoting a decentralized, good local governance system, and exists to promote the establishment and development of a vibrant and well-resourced decentralized system.

WWF Zambia works to protect our natural resources – rivers, wildlife, forests – so we can continue to benefit from food, energy and water. WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats.

Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) is an outstanding institution with its own unique identity and a proud distinct history in Zambia. CEJ is a non-governmental organization established in 2010 whose mandate is to create platforms and processes that promote environmental justice for most vulnerable people in society. Anchored on this mandate, CEJ fosters access to quality and accurate information on environmental protection, extractive industries, sustainable energy, climate change, water security and agriculture with the ultimate aim of enhancing accountability for better decision making and sustainable development as well as a support safe and adaptive environment as basic fundamental human rights to having a better and prosperous livelihood.

The Joint Country Programme (JCP) is a merger of three agencies, Christian Aid (CA), DanChurchAid (DCA) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), and was created in 2011 for purposes of working together within the ACT Alliance to: a) create synergy and positive sustainable development in the lives of the poor and marginalised people in the target communities of Zambia, but also to b) reduce costs and increase efficiency and effectiveness.

HRH Key message: “We must ensure that business practices contribute to and adequately support environmental protection activities.”

The Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) serves as an ecumenical organization to strengthen Christian unity and to promote social justice, peace, human dignity and development. The council therefore seeks to bring together its membership and stakeholders for consultation and discussions in an effort to help form an enlightened Christian opinion on all issues affecting the spiritual, social and physical wellbeing of Zambians.